This Support Note is suitable for:
- ABSS Payroll Singapore
- Generate IR8A, IR8S, Appendix 8A & Appendix 8B forms whichever is applicable for submission.
- Check the content to make sure all details are filled and correct.
- Proceed to generate the respective AutoPay output files from Reports > Autopay screen.
Steps to perform AIS e-Submission
- Click on AIS e-Submission button from Command Center.
2. Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) window as below will appear.
3. Click SubmitterID Type to select the submitter’s identity type whether it is NRIC, FIN and etc.
4. Input the submitter identity number in SubmitterID field.
5. Select the respective text files from pre-preparation according to the label. Click browse icon () to select the file.
6. You can perform validation check prior to the submission by selecting the “Validate Only” checkbox. With this option, system will perform advance checking and not submit the data.
7. If validation check is success with no error, you can proceed to remove the Tick on “Validate Only”, and click Submit for actual submission.
8. Should the validation check return with some warning message, you can still proceed with the submission, just click “Bypass Warning” and click Submit.
9. System will notify user on the submission status whether it is successful or failed, and also logged the details in IRASSubmitLog.txt which is located under your application folder.
10. If submission failed, system will log the error message under IRASSubmitLog.txt.
11. Upon successful submission, system will also log the Acknowledge code for each of the file type in IRASSubmitLog.txt.
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