ABSS Connect
ABSS Payroll is now integrated with ABSS Connect, a first-of-its-kind service platform introduced to complement ABSS Desktop software by providing connectivity to other approved third-party cloud platforms.
For a start, the new IR21 form will be connected with IRAS server via ABSS Connect API services.
- ABSS Payroll v11.0 & above
- Internet connectivity
- Data file has to be activated
- Subscribed to ABSS Premium Cover or Upgrade Cover plan
A) Setup Up ABSS Connect & Login IRAS Server
1) Go to Setup > Company Information> ABSS Connect Settings
2) For first time sign up, click on Register. Login button will only clickable after the data file has been linked with ABSS Connect.
3) At register screen, some information will be auto populated from data file company information screen. User need to enter the missing information to register to ABSS Connect.
If a user wants to use new information, tick on ‘Use New Payroll Personal Info’
4) If the email used has been registered with ABSS Connect before, the user will be prompted below the screen, select Yes if you want to use the same credentials or No if you want to re-enter the information.
5) Once successfully registered, below prompt message will be shown
6) User now will be redirected to login screen after a successful registration
7) Below message will be prompted after a successful login
8) Register and login button now no longer clickable after a successful login. By default, each login session will last for 60 minutes.
9) Once done with the sign up, users will be able to login to ABSS Connect through this link: ABSS Connect URL: https://app.abssconnect.com/
The login page is as per below:
Note: As of now, user only can make changes with their account credentials here. More functionality related with ABSS Payroll will be added soon.
10) After Login, user required to click on Connect button on IRAS Singapore – Form IR21 Online Submission, this is to subscribe to the API service.
B)Form IR21 Submission
Once connected with ABSS Connect, user can submit IR21 form directly using ABSS Payroll without the needs to go to IRAS portal.
Steps to do submission
1) To enter Employee detail related to ‘Form IR21‘, go to Card File Information screen.
2) Upon clicking above button, a new details screen will be shown. Most of the data already auto filled based on Card File information and monthly Payrun, user will need to fill additional information manually from the editable fields before able to generate the IR21 text file.
4) A text file will be generated once user click on ‘Create Text File’. This text file will be saved into IR21 folder inside ABSS Payroll installation folder (ie. C:\ABSS Payroll v11.0 SG\IR21)
5) To submit the text file to IRAS, user need to go to Reports > Other Submission>IR21 eSubmission.
5) At manage submission screen, user can do new submission or check status of previous submission.
6) User can upload up to 20 IR21 text files per submission. Once done, click on ‘Submit Form IR21’.
7) System will prompt user to login to CorpPass, once login successful, the file be sent to IRAS portal. System will notify user upon completion. If you not yet register your CorpPass account, please register here: https://www.corppass.gov.sg/
- Change the default quantity (Qty) for Overtime component
The default quantity for OT is now set to zero when launch the Pay Slip Processing window. This is to ensure system captured the correct overtime hour instead of the default hour.
- Foreign Identification Number (FIN) on the Payslip
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