This Support Note is suitable for:
- ABSS Payroll
You can prepare statutory payments, such as tax, using AutoPay. AutoPay generates files that can be submitted to banks and statutory authorities as electronic payment files.
To Prepare AutoPay files
Go to the Reports command centre and click AutoPay. The Reports window will appear with the AutoPay files displayed.
Autopay selection screen for Singapore version:
Autopay selection screen for Malaysia version:
Steps to generate:
- The AutoPay window with fields description will appear when user click to select the Name of the item listed in the above windows, the display required input fields is depending on which type of AutoPay file you are creating.
2. For example, if Appendix8B is selected, the Name of Division/Branch detail is required, user can enter 001 in the Value fields
3. Click the browse icon () to save the output file. The File window appears.
4. Enter a file name and choose the location you want to save the file.
5. Click OK. The Selection window appears.
6. Select the payroll year and month. Employee names appear in the staff selection list.
7. Click Select All or choose the employee that you need to generate the text file.
8. For statutory payments such as CPF PAL, or bank file, you may need to include all staff paid in the pay period.
9. Some autopay window shows the Details button, that is for user to input additional information that required to capture in the form. You may proceed to fill up the details.
10. Click OK, the autopay file will be saved inside the specified “Save To” folder.
11. You may proceed to upload the output to the statutory portal or bank portal.
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