1. Email Payslips
You can now email staff's payslips individually or in bulk after completed the regular or ad-hoc pay run process. The email payslips feature is available via ABSS CONNECT, a service platform providing connectivity from ABSS software to other approved third-party cloud platforms.
Note: This feature is applicable to employees with email address stated in the employee Card File Information.
Other prerequisites:
• ABSS Payroll v12.0 & above
• Internet connectivity
• Data file has to be activated
• Access to ABSS Connect - available only on ABSS Premium Cover and Upgrade Cover plan
To activate the Email Payslips feature, you are required to register for an ABSS Connect account. Users with ABSS Connect accounts, may skip step (i).
i. ABSS Connect - Registration
Go to Setup > Company Information> ABSS Connect Settings. Proceed to click on the Register button. (refer to IMG 001).
For a detailed guide, please visit www.abssasia.com > Product > Knowledge Base > ABSS Connect.
Alternatively, please click here.
ii. Log in to ABSS Connect
To use the Email Payslips feature, please log in to ABSS Connect and stay connected. By default, each login session will last for 60 minutes. If your session expired, you may log in again via Command Centre > Setup > ABSS Connect Login. (Refer to IMG 002)
iii. Email Payslips to Employees
Payslips can be emailed to employee as a PDF attachment encrypted with password to ensure the security of all employee details. Below is the detailed step-by-step guide:
a) After completion of the regular pay run or an adhoc pay run process, you can go to Command Centre > Process > Payroll Archive screen to preview, print or email the payslips. Note that a new Email button has been added onto this screen. Proceed to click on the Email (Refer to IMG 003).
b) After clicking the Email button, the employee Selection screen will pop up. Proceed to select a single employee or multiple employees from the employee Selection screen Click Send when done. (Refer to IMG 004).
i. Only employees with email address stated in the Card File Information, under Correspondence tab will be listed in the employee Selection screen (refer to IMG 005).
ii. The default password assigned by the system derives from either the employee's IC Number or Passport Number (if IC Number is not available). Employees with other document number, may key in the document number into the IC Number or Passport Number field
c) By default, the payslip pdf file generated, will be saved in a subfolder under the system application folder. To change the file destination of the payslip pdf file, click on the folder icon button (refer to IMG 006), and browse to your preferred destination (refer to IMG 007).
Notes: Payslips of different pay run period, will be sent out as separate email.
d) Once done, employee will receive an email with the password protected PDF payslip as attachment. (Refer to IMG 008)
e) Sample layout of the password protected PDF payslip (refer to IMG 009):
f) Payroll Administrator can log in to ABSS Connect, click the document icon on the left panel to view the payslip history. Refer IMG 010.
1. Contribution Statistic Report
You can now generate the Contribution Statistics Report to view the breakdown of the CPF contribution grand total made by employee and employer.
To generate the report, go to Command Centre > Reports > Payroll > Contribution Statistic. (Refer to IMG 011)
Sample layout of the Contribution Statistics Report (refer to IMG 012):
2. Processing Back-dated Annual Leave
You can now process resigned employee's back-dated annual leave prior to his/her official last working date. Go to Command Centre > Process > Leave Processing Detail. Take note that this can be done even before processing the final pay run. (Refer to IMG 013)
Note: If you have processed the pay run for the subsequent payroll year, it is recommended that you restore the previous year's backup data and make the necessary leave adjustments.
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